The no "poo" update

Yes I have been slack with my postings yet again. But I did move house so I have a valid excuse!

From Kath and Mum's comments on the last post I thought I would update on my no shampooing endevour.

Well I still have NOT shampooed my hair. Have lost count how long its been though. And no Mum my hair is not a greasy hideous mess :P
I have discovered the wonders of bicarb soda. I only do it once a week but it seems to do the trick. My hair is actually quite fluffy and soft surprisingly enough.

Oh and my red bits on my hair did go pink and now they are a hideous orange colour. BUT I have ordered some Manic Panic HOT HOT Pink hair dye to fix this problem :P Although I guess that goes againt the whole no shampoo thing, putting dye chemicals in my hair and all. All I can say to that is if henna had pink dye then I might have gone down that route lol

7 Insights or Insults:

Caz 15 May 2007 at 8:46 pm  

Okay, so is manic panic hot pink like an antidote to pink / orange hair??????

What will it do?


Fluffy hair?

Why am I just not liking the sound of any of this?

I’d rather you go back to the hairdresser, get her to dye the ends, and have an inch or so off – then you’ll need to go back in a couple of months and get another inch off, and keep going back until all of the bleached section has been cut out. Not the top layers, just the bits that were stripped of colour in the first place.

I’ll send money!

Chazz 15 May 2007 at 11:48 pm  

hahahA Mum I do plan to get the bleach bits cut out but I want to do a stint with pink hair first. Ive never had bright pink hair before and if I get sick of it after 3 days Ill make a hair dressers appointment! Tha manic panic is just hair dye. Nothing special, its just one thats ment to be better than the crap hairdressers use.

And fluffy isnt a bad thing... I just meant its looking like its been shampooed.

And its not biocarb.... "bicarb soda" as in sodium bicarbonate.

TimT 16 May 2007 at 5:03 pm  

Is it fluorescent pink? If so, I heartily encourage this trend, but I wonder - would you have trouble sleeping with glow-in-the-dark pink hair?

Caz 16 May 2007 at 9:40 pm  

Yeah, yeah, I was just using "bicarb" as shorthand.

Tim - you have a lot of work to do on your blog template, you have no time whatsoever to be encouraging glow in the dark pink hair! Unless it's your own, in which case, I'll want pictures.

TimT 16 May 2007 at 11:29 pm  

Ha! You're just jealous you didn't find a picture of a pipe-smoking baby at a typewriter to use on your blog. :p

Caz 17 May 2007 at 8:00 pm  

You're a competitive bastard blogger Timmy!

Just you wait until Duck Friday (TM) one year anniversary. Ha!

I'll have a picture of ... umm ... a duck ... or several.

Anonymous 17 May 2007 at 10:10 pm  

Yeah.... Timmy ! Just you wait..
Caz will have a few pictures for sure.
Maybe.....even a pitcher of water with a duck on it

My Blog List


The no "poo" update
5:18 pm | Author: Chazz
Yes I have been slack with my postings yet again. But I did move house so I have a valid excuse!

From Kath and Mum's comments on the last post I thought I would update on my no shampooing endevour.

Well I still have NOT shampooed my hair. Have lost count how long its been though. And no Mum my hair is not a greasy hideous mess :P
I have discovered the wonders of bicarb soda. I only do it once a week but it seems to do the trick. My hair is actually quite fluffy and soft surprisingly enough.

Oh and my red bits on my hair did go pink and now they are a hideous orange colour. BUT I have ordered some Manic Panic HOT HOT Pink hair dye to fix this problem :P Although I guess that goes againt the whole no shampoo thing, putting dye chemicals in my hair and all. All I can say to that is if henna had pink dye then I might have gone down that route lol
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On 15 May 2007 at 8:46 pm , Caz said...

Okay, so is manic panic hot pink like an antidote to pink / orange hair??????

What will it do?


Fluffy hair?

Why am I just not liking the sound of any of this?

I’d rather you go back to the hairdresser, get her to dye the ends, and have an inch or so off – then you’ll need to go back in a couple of months and get another inch off, and keep going back until all of the bleached section has been cut out. Not the top layers, just the bits that were stripped of colour in the first place.

I’ll send money!

On 15 May 2007 at 11:48 pm , Chazz said...

hahahA Mum I do plan to get the bleach bits cut out but I want to do a stint with pink hair first. Ive never had bright pink hair before and if I get sick of it after 3 days Ill make a hair dressers appointment! Tha manic panic is just hair dye. Nothing special, its just one thats ment to be better than the crap hairdressers use.

And fluffy isnt a bad thing... I just meant its looking like its been shampooed.

And its not biocarb.... "bicarb soda" as in sodium bicarbonate.

On 16 May 2007 at 5:03 pm , TimT said...

Is it fluorescent pink? If so, I heartily encourage this trend, but I wonder - would you have trouble sleeping with glow-in-the-dark pink hair?

On 16 May 2007 at 9:40 pm , Caz said...

Yeah, yeah, I was just using "bicarb" as shorthand.

Tim - you have a lot of work to do on your blog template, you have no time whatsoever to be encouraging glow in the dark pink hair! Unless it's your own, in which case, I'll want pictures.

On 16 May 2007 at 11:29 pm , TimT said...

Ha! You're just jealous you didn't find a picture of a pipe-smoking baby at a typewriter to use on your blog. :p

On 17 May 2007 at 8:00 pm , Caz said...

You're a competitive bastard blogger Timmy!

Just you wait until Duck Friday (TM) one year anniversary. Ha!

I'll have a picture of ... umm ... a duck ... or several.

On 17 May 2007 at 10:10 pm , Anonymous said...

Yeah.... Timmy ! Just you wait..
Caz will have a few pictures for sure.
Maybe.....even a pitcher of water with a duck on it


The no "poo" update

Yes I have been slack with my postings yet again. But I did move house so I have a valid excuse!

From Kath and Mum's comments on the last post I thought I would update on my no shampooing endevour.

Well I still have NOT shampooed my hair. Have lost count how long its been though. And no Mum my hair is not a greasy hideous mess :P
I have discovered the wonders of bicarb soda. I only do it once a week but it seems to do the trick. My hair is actually quite fluffy and soft surprisingly enough.

Oh and my red bits on my hair did go pink and now they are a hideous orange colour. BUT I have ordered some Manic Panic HOT HOT Pink hair dye to fix this problem :P Although I guess that goes againt the whole no shampoo thing, putting dye chemicals in my hair and all. All I can say to that is if henna had pink dye then I might have gone down that route lol


Caz said...

Okay, so is manic panic hot pink like an antidote to pink / orange hair??????

What will it do?


Fluffy hair?

Why am I just not liking the sound of any of this?

I’d rather you go back to the hairdresser, get her to dye the ends, and have an inch or so off – then you’ll need to go back in a couple of months and get another inch off, and keep going back until all of the bleached section has been cut out. Not the top layers, just the bits that were stripped of colour in the first place.

I’ll send money!

Chazz said...

hahahA Mum I do plan to get the bleach bits cut out but I want to do a stint with pink hair first. Ive never had bright pink hair before and if I get sick of it after 3 days Ill make a hair dressers appointment! Tha manic panic is just hair dye. Nothing special, its just one thats ment to be better than the crap hairdressers use.

And fluffy isnt a bad thing... I just meant its looking like its been shampooed.

And its not biocarb.... "bicarb soda" as in sodium bicarbonate.

TimT said...

Is it fluorescent pink? If so, I heartily encourage this trend, but I wonder - would you have trouble sleeping with glow-in-the-dark pink hair?

Caz said...

Yeah, yeah, I was just using "bicarb" as shorthand.

Tim - you have a lot of work to do on your blog template, you have no time whatsoever to be encouraging glow in the dark pink hair! Unless it's your own, in which case, I'll want pictures.

TimT said...

Ha! You're just jealous you didn't find a picture of a pipe-smoking baby at a typewriter to use on your blog. :p

Caz said...

You're a competitive bastard blogger Timmy!

Just you wait until Duck Friday (TM) one year anniversary. Ha!

I'll have a picture of ... umm ... a duck ... or several.

Anonymous said...

Yeah.... Timmy ! Just you wait..
Caz will have a few pictures for sure.
Maybe.....even a pitcher of water with a duck on it