According the Dr Oz (on the Oprah show) we only burn about 25 calories during sex. He only touched on this very briefly but quite frankly I was shocked. I just wondered where the heck he could get such a small figure from.
Well according to I (its asks for weight, which I'm soooooo not disclosing here!) would only burn a measly 61 calories during 30 minutes of sex. This astounds me to be honest. It also made me think that Dr Oz is implying the average Jo only spends about 10 mins having sex. Which to me is mind boggling! If its under 20 mins its not worth showing up for!
I what i really want to know is how they measured this... Did they include position changes in their calculations? Surely those who bother to pick up a copy of the Karma Sutra would be burning more calories during their routine romps. I noticed only one option for sex in the calorie counter - moderate. What about the lazy people who are having less than "moderate" sex, is it possible to be burning more calories blinking their eyes rather than having sex?
I personally believe more research needs to be done on this topic. As a person trying to loose some excess weight I'm quite disappointed to know that my very active sex life wont do a thing to help me loose it!
Sigh, I guess Ill just go clean the house (30 mins will burn 1443 cals) Not nearly as much fun!
I think they're just doing it wrong...
Where's the beef?
Well I have the answer to that...
In my freezer. 3 kg slab of the stuff straight from the abattoir!
Why do I have this mass of beef? Because Mother in law gifted it to us. Even though we very rarely eat beef.
By no means am I ungrateful for this gift of frozen flesh. In fact I decided to defrost it today as I could use the room in my already overstocked freezer. Little did I know how time consuming defrosting and hacking it would be.
The slab spent from 10am till 4pm defrosting. Then took me 45 mins to hack into manageable bits. I guess it doesn't sound so bad, until I add in the rampaging toddler who just happened to hurt himself 4 times while I was wrist deep in cow meat! Try explaining to a crying 2 year old that "Mummy cant pick you up right now because her hands are covered in stinky cows blood" Needless to say he wasn't very understanding.
Once the meat was done I roasted some, it was still 1/2 raw, even though I cooked it for double the time it said to. And the other 2 kgs are chopped into cubes until tomorrow when i decide what to do with them.
You might be wondering the point of this post...
I guess I felt the need to put it out there my utter disgust at the smell, feel and overall experience of chopping up this fine hunk of meat. Especially since I ended up having nutri grain for dinner since I cant bare even slightly rare meat. And Mr Mr had ravioli (yes my child eats better than I do) So all that effort was for naught.
I think Ill stick to beef stir frys in future, that stuff thats already chopped and ready to throw in the pan!
The secret of the cake
For Kathy who wondered how I made such an amazing cake for Mr Mr's birthday here it is... the ultra cool 3D wilton ducky tin:
I probably could have bought a cool cake for the price I paid for this tin + ingredients and the day it took to make it. But it wouldnt have had the love, and I wouldnt have taken as much joy in loping off its head!
Not Avatar Brieflets ;)
At the suggestion of Timt I have a blog.
Looks like a nice enough blog... spacious... lacking any form of content... but its a blog all the same.
My Blog List
Well according to I (its asks for weight, which I'm soooooo not disclosing here!) would only burn a measly 61 calories during 30 minutes of sex. This astounds me to be honest. It also made me think that Dr Oz is implying the average Jo only spends about 10 mins having sex. Which to me is mind boggling! If its under 20 mins its not worth showing up for!
I what i really want to know is how they measured this... Did they include position changes in their calculations? Surely those who bother to pick up a copy of the Karma Sutra would be burning more calories during their routine romps. I noticed only one option for sex in the calorie counter - moderate. What about the lazy people who are having less than "moderate" sex, is it possible to be burning more calories blinking their eyes rather than having sex?
I personally believe more research needs to be done on this topic. As a person trying to loose some excess weight I'm quite disappointed to know that my very active sex life wont do a thing to help me loose it!
Sigh, I guess Ill just go clean the house (30 mins will burn 1443 cals) Not nearly as much fun!

Well I have the answer to that...
In my freezer. 3 kg slab of the stuff straight from the abattoir!
Why do I have this mass of beef? Because Mother in law gifted it to us. Even though we very rarely eat beef.
By no means am I ungrateful for this gift of frozen flesh. In fact I decided to defrost it today as I could use the room in my already overstocked freezer. Little did I know how time consuming defrosting and hacking it would be.
The slab spent from 10am till 4pm defrosting. Then took me 45 mins to hack into manageable bits. I guess it doesn't sound so bad, until I add in the rampaging toddler who just happened to hurt himself 4 times while I was wrist deep in cow meat! Try explaining to a crying 2 year old that "Mummy cant pick you up right now because her hands are covered in stinky cows blood" Needless to say he wasn't very understanding.
Once the meat was done I roasted some, it was still 1/2 raw, even though I cooked it for double the time it said to. And the other 2 kgs are chopped into cubes until tomorrow when i decide what to do with them.
You might be wondering the point of this post...
I guess I felt the need to put it out there my utter disgust at the smell, feel and overall experience of chopping up this fine hunk of meat. Especially since I ended up having nutri grain for dinner since I cant bare even slightly rare meat. And Mr Mr had ravioli (yes my child eats better than I do) So all that effort was for naught.
I think Ill stick to beef stir frys in future, that stuff thats already chopped and ready to throw in the pan!
For Kathy who wondered how I made such an amazing cake for Mr Mr's birthday here it is... the ultra cool 3D wilton ducky tin:
I probably could have bought a cool cake for the price I paid for this tin + ingredients and the day it took to make it. But it wouldnt have had the love, and I wouldnt have taken as much joy in loping off its head!
Looks like a nice enough blog... spacious... lacking any form of content... but its a blog all the same.
- Book reviews (2)
- New moon (1)
- Twilight (2)
- Vampires (2)
I think they're just doing it wrong...
According the Dr Oz (on the Oprah show) we only burn about 25 calories during sex. He only touched on this very briefly but quite frankly I was shocked. I just wondered where the heck he could get such a small figure from.
Well according to I (its asks for weight, which I'm soooooo not disclosing here!) would only burn a measly 61 calories during 30 minutes of sex. This astounds me to be honest. It also made me think that Dr Oz is implying the average Jo only spends about 10 mins having sex. Which to me is mind boggling! If its under 20 mins its not worth showing up for!
I what i really want to know is how they measured this... Did they include position changes in their calculations? Surely those who bother to pick up a copy of the Karma Sutra would be burning more calories during their routine romps. I noticed only one option for sex in the calorie counter - moderate. What about the lazy people who are having less than "moderate" sex, is it possible to be burning more calories blinking their eyes rather than having sex?
I personally believe more research needs to be done on this topic. As a person trying to loose some excess weight I'm quite disappointed to know that my very active sex life wont do a thing to help me loose it!
Sigh, I guess Ill just go clean the house (30 mins will burn 1443 cals) Not nearly as much fun!
10:47 pm | | 11 Comments
Where's the beef?
Well I have the answer to that...
In my freezer. 3 kg slab of the stuff straight from the abattoir!
Why do I have this mass of beef? Because Mother in law gifted it to us. Even though we very rarely eat beef.
By no means am I ungrateful for this gift of frozen flesh. In fact I decided to defrost it today as I could use the room in my already overstocked freezer. Little did I know how time consuming defrosting and hacking it would be.
The slab spent from 10am till 4pm defrosting. Then took me 45 mins to hack into manageable bits. I guess it doesn't sound so bad, until I add in the rampaging toddler who just happened to hurt himself 4 times while I was wrist deep in cow meat! Try explaining to a crying 2 year old that "Mummy cant pick you up right now because her hands are covered in stinky cows blood" Needless to say he wasn't very understanding.
Once the meat was done I roasted some, it was still 1/2 raw, even though I cooked it for double the time it said to. And the other 2 kgs are chopped into cubes until tomorrow when i decide what to do with them.
You might be wondering the point of this post...
I guess I felt the need to put it out there my utter disgust at the smell, feel and overall experience of chopping up this fine hunk of meat. Especially since I ended up having nutri grain for dinner since I cant bare even slightly rare meat. And Mr Mr had ravioli (yes my child eats better than I do) So all that effort was for naught.
I think Ill stick to beef stir frys in future, that stuff thats already chopped and ready to throw in the pan!
10:19 pm | | 1 Comments
The secret of the cake
For Kathy who wondered how I made such an amazing cake for Mr Mr's birthday here it is... the ultra cool 3D wilton ducky tin:
I probably could have bought a cool cake for the price I paid for this tin + ingredients and the day it took to make it. But it wouldnt have had the love, and I wouldnt have taken as much joy in loping off its head!
10:28 pm | | 7 Comments
Not Avatar Brieflets ;)
At the suggestion of Timt I have a blog.
Looks like a nice enough blog... spacious... lacking any form of content... but its a blog all the same.
8:08 pm | | 9 Comments