Now this is one big arse pig!!!!!
Boy kills giant pig
My pink hair!
The secret.... Chaser's Style
This is too funny....
The Chaser's war on The Secret
Oh and can I ask why the fuck blogger TODAY has a message saying it now auto saves, but YESTERDAY I lost a frigging massive post on the new child restraint laws?!?!?!?! Fuck blogger! I'm actually now really miffed because of that!
The no "poo" update
Yes I have been slack with my postings yet again. But I did move house so I have a valid excuse!
From Kath and Mum's comments on the last post I thought I would update on my no shampooing endevour.
Well I still have NOT shampooed my hair. Have lost count how long its been though. And no Mum my hair is not a greasy hideous mess :P
I have discovered the wonders of bicarb soda. I only do it once a week but it seems to do the trick. My hair is actually quite fluffy and soft surprisingly enough.
Oh and my red bits on my hair did go pink and now they are a hideous orange colour. BUT I have ordered some Manic Panic HOT HOT Pink hair dye to fix this problem :P Although I guess that goes againt the whole no shampoo thing, putting dye chemicals in my hair and all. All I can say to that is if henna had pink dye then I might have gone down that route lol
When did we stop standing up for ourselves?
There is this parenting forum I go to. I generally just stick around the "What do you think" section now since I'm now not such a freaked out new mum.
My problem is this...
Not just once, but several times this week there have been posts about work place bullying.
I do understand that this can be traumatic and if the boss is bullying a worker that it can be a very difficult situation to be in. But this last post I read was ridiculous!
The "bully" was your ordinary retail assistant, and the bullied one was a freakin manager!
The bullying was that this employee was swearing at the manager on numerous occasions.
This person was asking if the bullied party should go to a Dr and try to get stress leave while the issue is sorted out.
I am just flabbergasted. Why is this person even in management if they cant deal with an employee swearing at them?!?!?!?!
Just by the sounds of the post this person was just to gutless to pull their employee up on it so they took it to senior management.
Isn't that just like a teacher going to the principle when one of their students acts up?
All the other posts are pretty much as frustrating as the last, "Oh this person doesn't like me what do I do? Is it harassment when someone gives me an evil look as I walk past?"
Fucking twits, that's all I can say.
Oh and don't even get me started on how many people on this forums have started to use the word "incredulous" lately. Must make them soooo smart if they can substitute the word incredible in every post they make.
The "No poo" (shampoo that is) phenomenon
Whats your first thought when you think of someone who doesn't shampoo their hair?
Tree hugging hippy scum? Or just plain EEEEEEEEWWWWWW?
Well I have been seeing this topic pop up quite a bit around the Internet of late. Or maybe i'm just stumbling into weird places that everyone else has the good sense to avoid.
The idea is that you don't shampoo your hair and by 6-8 weeks your hair will have restored its natural balance and you will have glorious natural chemical free hair. Apparently shampooing strips your hair of its natural oils therefore causing your hair to go a bit hyper in making more. Sounds plausible enough to me.
Me being the chemical-phobe that I am quite likes the idea of not using chemicals. I figure I use very few chemicals around the house so why the hell am I using numerous products in our bathroom that have ingredients with every letter of the alphabet in them on my own skin?
I started by buying some natural soaps which I am quite fond of, including a shampoo bar. But then I got my hair done. Top is dark brown and the under half of my hair was made bright red.
Well the red was washing out horribly every time I washed it so last week I decided to stop just to avoid anymore colour run.
I figure since I'm a stay at home mum I can get away with trying this little experiment out. I mean who am I really going to offend with my greasy as chips locks other than Lil Mr Mr & Mr M?
So this is week one down. The idea is to "water only wash" my hair for as long as I can stand it, BUT if the need arises ONLY use natural/non toxic ingredients to wash my hair with.
And yes my hair is skanky right now, its is currently constantly tied up. BUT not one person has commented so either they are being overly polite or they haven't noticed yet... we will soon see.
My poodle says "baaaahhhhhh"
This is a crack up!!!!
Japanese fooled in poodle scam
Sure I might feel a bit sorry for the people who were scammed but hell if you don't know a dog from a sheep when you are buying one you your an idiot!
I don't need this bit... CHOP!
What on earth causes a man to chop off his own penis in public?
Man cuts off penis in resteraunt!
Hold on a minute.....
Didn't the naughty Ralph Feinnes bonking flight attendant say she WASN'T a prostitute in the last article they had in the age?
Sacked hostess reveals prostitution secrets
Destruction of my lounge room....
How thrilling, I just made $1 on email cash.
I spent 10 mins doing a survey just to make $1.
You know why I did this... because I joined email cash about 4 years ago and you need to have $30 cash to get a cheque sent to you.
You know how much I have made from email cash in the 4 years I've been a member (inc. the $1)
I'm sooooo close now... Only 2 more years and I should be able to get my $30 check from them!
And you know what I really will keep going till I get that $30 dammit coz I really believe I deserve it just for signing up in the first place!
Luring in the innocent
Fucking Scientologists! Need I say more?
Not enough that they try and lure people off the street now they are luring in teens by staging a "Human right forum" which was more of a ploy to let them know about Scientology.
Makes me sick! It really truly does!
Ohhhh shock horror...
Is all I can say when I see the recent pics of Paris Hilton on X17online (which means I now have to publicly admit I do look at this trashy site from time to time *insert embarrassed smiley here*)
How plastic does she look in the second shot down?!?!
I really hope she wasn't hoping they would look natural to the public eye considering we have all seen her rather famous nocturnal activities video!
PS... yes I'm a bad bad girl for neglecting my blog, but I haven't been getting into the new much this last couple of weeks since Mr Mr wont watch ANYTHING but Thomas the gay engine and Telli-Turds at the moment *insert unimpressed smiley here* hehehe
Stupidity by the bucket load
Did this woman seriously think she would be employable in the airline industry after she came out saying she slept with a customer (wheather they be famous or not) in a toilet cubical while she was working?!?!?!
Maybe she just thought that sleeping with a celeb would give her millions (as opposed to the $120K that she is still yet to receive for her story)
Blech, stupidity is the only word I can think of here.
I'm not terribly trusting of everything in Wikipedia, due to the fact that the site is open to be edited freely. But this certainly isn't the alternative I would have thought to look for if I had not read about it in the The Age this morning:
Just looking at the first article I could find on the site, I have found in the first para solid evidence that this site is probably even more unreliable than good old Wiki.
This para is trying to convince me that abortion will cause breast cancer. Quote...
The vast majority of scientific studies have shown that abortion causes an increase in breast cancer, including 16 out of 17 statistically significant studies. Studies showing that abortion increases breast cancer predate the political controversy.
That line is all good and well, but lets read on to the the second half of the para...
It is undisputed that having a baby protects against breast cancer, and thus early termination of pregnancy must increase the risk of cancer for the mother compared to carrying that same pregnancy to birth. Yet the abortion industry conceals this increased risk, just as the tobacco industry concealed its cancer risk for decades.
Now this is the part of their opening para that has destroyed their credibility for me. Okay maybe I'm looking into the wording too much but please note my highlighting of the word "must". One only needs to do some reading about critical thinking and analysis of arguments to see that this is an argument with no real validity just due to the use of that one word.
When someone is saying something must they generally don't have any concrete evidence to back this up. And reading on they don't present me with any concrete evidence!
Then there is their comparison of the abortion industry being comparable to the tobacco industry in their concealment of this medical "fact" that they are talking about.
Now I'm not about to start any kind of debate on abortion, its a subject I prefer to leave alone, but I have not seen this 'fact' covered up. I have read about the possibility of an increased risk of breast cancer in these cases and have also seen that its not concrete fact, only possible. But its just a great example of how skewed the site is and will be on certain topics.
Oh and just looking at their references for this particular piece I found one entitled "Self-checks 'useless' in breast cancer fight" WTF?!?! I am so not going to start on that one.
I'm just going to stop here or I may never stop poking holes in this site. I seriously hope that the predictions of the site creator are wrong and that this site will not form a valid and standard point of reference for American schools in the future. No offence intended but do American children really need this craziness in their minds?
Rental rebellion
As many Aussies would know the rental market in some areas is astounding at the moment. Rental bidding wars, some official some not official. People going in to sign their new lease papers only to find out another renter has been given the property even after said tenant was approved for the property.
I know that the rental vacancy is low but the tactics we are seeing in Melbourne are disgusting. I have friends (lovely family with 2 kiddos and one in the oven, have been very good tenants the last 2 and a bit years in the same house) their landlord has kicked them out of their house so that the can renovate and get more money a week.
Yes their house was becoming a bargain at $230 for the 3 bedroom in a popular inner city suburb (well if you ask Mum 20 mins on the train isn't inner city though :D) but they were not even given the option to stay. They were not even offered a rental increase notice to stay in the house. Most likely because the landlord thinks they can get a whole lot more per week if they just paint and rent out again.
I have even seen evidence of this greed around where we live, this is a 90 min drive from Melbourne and a basically rural area mind you... The house 2 doors down was around $150 when we were looking to rent here. Now just to put things in perspective, the house we live in is 3 bedroom, as is this other house. Our kitchen is much nicer, lounge is larger and the house generally looks to be in better condition than the other house. We also have been paying $150. Our rental increase will be $160, that was the original price of this rental when we saw it so that's no shock to us. What IS shocking is that I now see the house 2 doors down asking for $175 a week in rent!
While I know there are interest rate rises and things that the actual home owner has to contend with and that many of them have losses on rental properties, that jump in price for a rural area property is just greedy. I foresee that house being on the rental market for quite some time!
So with the pile of ranting over with, it would seem that Victoria has already had enough of these antics and is going to do something about. Rental war agents face bans if they do not adhere to the new guidelines set out by Real Estate Institute of Victoria stating that:
■That once a tenant has been told their application is successful, no counter-offer can be accepted.
■Not to use a range of prices when advertising.
■To ensure the initial advertised price is realistic.
■To not initiate a bidding process for a rental property.
Maybe by putting these guidelines in place the price of an average 3 bedroom house for rent wont cost the same as a mortgage. And maybe it would mean that my friends could find a house for their growing family without having the price of it go up before they have even seen it.Rant over!
The love boom
Now who wouldn't want this for valentines day?
I'm sure Mr M would most appreciate being shaken awake to go to work rather than the usual gentle "Hun its time to get up there is a coffee in the kitchen for you" that he normally receives.
And gee it would make a nice change to wake up to this rather than my gorgeous (albeit mischievous) toddler waving at me and pulling the doona off me.
And if the boom doesnt do it for you maybe Clocky is more your style.
Toddler joy
The top of my shopping list this week goes something like this....
500g bag of salt (I make my own playdoh don't actually use salt in food)
2kgs of SR flour
2kgs of white sugar
1kg of brown sugar
and lots of rice.
You might look at this and think I do a lot of baking... Fact is, while I do cook every day, I need to replace these items due to Mr Mr taking these things out of my cupboards in the morning and playing with them. The other morning for instance I woke up only to step in a giant mound of brown sugar next to my bed. This morning I woke up to find salt all through Mr Mr's hair, all over his table and all over (and inside) his fisher price stride n ride toy.
I guess some people might think it nice to wake up only to have to vacuum as soon as they are out of bed, but I'm not one of them!
Oh well Its just one of the many joys of toddlerdom I guess... joy for him that is :D
Pimp my puter Wednesday
Well Mum has "Duck Friday" inspired by "Goat Friday" I believe, so I'm bringing you "Pimp my puter Wednesday"
Okay as you may have noticed by my post "THE keyboard" I am dreaming of upgrades for my PC. Nothing to do with how it runs, my PC is super the way it is. I just long for some prettier peripherals to make my computing experience all the more pleasant. That and who doesn't love new things with funky lights on them!
So I give you THE case! Just a dream for the moment as my current case is still pretty and is in perfect working order. And I definitely have better ways to spend my money (damn us needing food and such hehehe) so I plan to save my pennies (yes I actually have a jar I'm putting my silver coins into for these upgrades) and pimp out my puter piece by piece. The case will very likely be last due to my more pressing need for a more responsive mouse and less sticky keyboard.
I will welcome any suggestions on things I could waste my money on! And I hope someone is interested to see what item I pick for next week, not as thrilling as ducks and goats but its all I could think of for now :)
The lessons of shame
Children shamed on unpaid school fees
Now this pisses me off. Its one thing if they were high school students getting this treatment (they are angsty little bastards anyway) but these are primary school students!
I don't think there are many primary school kids who actually realise the relevance of fees, nor would they simply go home and tell mum and dad to pay them. With this treatment they would go home crying to mum and dad at how they were humiliated in front of the whole class and board from not being allowed to do anything all day long. Its just cruel!
I STILL remember being told by one teacher (I'm pretty sure it was in 1st grade) that if I got nits I would have to have my gorgeous long hair shaved off! Right in front of the whole class! This kind of shit scars little kiddies for life.
From what I understand about the curriculum for becoming a primary school teacher you need to know at least something on childhood and developmental psychology. I have a good friend who is studying towards her dip. ed. in primary teaching and there is tons of psych stuff in there.
Obviously these teachers missed or failed that bit of the course or they wouldn't have done this to small children!
Its just great to know what idiots we have to shape and mould the future of this nation isn't it.
THE keyboard
In my many adventures of "window shopping" over the web I have come across the ultimate peripheral device for the PC...
Now as you guessed by the title its a keyboard, your probably thinking booooorrrring. But take a look at this:
My precious
now who wouldn't love to be able to change your keys at the click of a setting? Sure I might not need to write in Russian or Asian alphabets but I could definitely use it for better gaming and easier access to short cuts in photo shop.
I was planning on saving up for new spiffy gaming keyboard (the current one has been given one to many drinks of coffee by little Mr Mr) but I am now seriously thinking of waiting for the Optimus as its so versatile!
My poor neglected blog
As quickly as my blog started I have already ignored it for 3 days...
I do have good reason though and I thought I should explain before anyone thinks I don't care.
I have neglected blog world for Plutarch, yes that's right, the fall of the Roman republic has become more important than blog world.
So if you do happen to stop by and there is nothing new here its is just because I have an exam in 2 weeks, then one on Australian literature to 1950 the week after. But if I find anything insightful that I feel the world has to know about in my studies Ill be sure to fill everyone in hehehe
In the mean time you can tell me your thoughts on this...
Miss "I ripped off sex and the city" She annoys me thoroughly and yet she has hundreds of people replying to her. Am I the only one who hates this woman?
Proving his "diversity"
In my morning trawl of the online news, I came across this....
Little Harry Potter very obviously trying to show the world what a big man he is!
I know that between movies 2 and 3 of the saga there was some talk of Radcliff dropping out of the filming of the Harry Potter movies due to him not wanting to be forever known as the one character, but this is a bit tacky.
His rep has been quoted as saying "Daniel does not want to step away from Harry Potter but he does want to show he is a rounded actor capable of … diverse roles."
Diverse is right! From little boy wonder to on stage porn star. That certainly is diverse. I wonder who on earth gave him permission to do this though. He is still only 17, so I assumed his parents would have to have some say in his choice of role for the time being. Are they actually okay with this??
Also there is the issue of his fan site. There have been a couple of quotes used from their forums, very obviously written by very young girls. For instance "When I saw it I couldn't breathe for a moment. I was shocked. But [the] pictures are very cool and very good. I like it ... They're awesome!" He is corrupting young girls all over the world!!! Introducing sexuality to girls who probably hadn't given it a terribly large amount of thought until they saw "Harry Potter" with a half naked girl standing in front of him. One of the promo pics has a naked girl on top of him from what I gather. Is that what we want little girls to think of when they see the next 3 Harry Potter films??
This email from a concerned parent pretty much sums up how I would feel if I saw my 9 year old looking up Radcliff's new project
"We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our nine-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes,"
I just think its highly inappropriate, considering his position in the lime light at the moment, to jump onto a stage and do numerous sex scenes in a controversial play just to prove his worth as an actor.
Ill be very curious to see what "diverse" acting jobs come out of this move.
I think they're just doing it wrong...
According the Dr Oz (on the Oprah show) we only burn about 25 calories during sex. He only touched on this very briefly but quite frankly I was shocked. I just wondered where the heck he could get such a small figure from.
Well according to I (its asks for weight, which I'm soooooo not disclosing here!) would only burn a measly 61 calories during 30 minutes of sex. This astounds me to be honest. It also made me think that Dr Oz is implying the average Jo only spends about 10 mins having sex. Which to me is mind boggling! If its under 20 mins its not worth showing up for!
I what i really want to know is how they measured this... Did they include position changes in their calculations? Surely those who bother to pick up a copy of the Karma Sutra would be burning more calories during their routine romps. I noticed only one option for sex in the calorie counter - moderate. What about the lazy people who are having less than "moderate" sex, is it possible to be burning more calories blinking their eyes rather than having sex?
I personally believe more research needs to be done on this topic. As a person trying to loose some excess weight I'm quite disappointed to know that my very active sex life wont do a thing to help me loose it!
Sigh, I guess Ill just go clean the house (30 mins will burn 1443 cals) Not nearly as much fun!
Where's the beef?
Well I have the answer to that...
In my freezer. 3 kg slab of the stuff straight from the abattoir!
Why do I have this mass of beef? Because Mother in law gifted it to us. Even though we very rarely eat beef.
By no means am I ungrateful for this gift of frozen flesh. In fact I decided to defrost it today as I could use the room in my already overstocked freezer. Little did I know how time consuming defrosting and hacking it would be.
The slab spent from 10am till 4pm defrosting. Then took me 45 mins to hack into manageable bits. I guess it doesn't sound so bad, until I add in the rampaging toddler who just happened to hurt himself 4 times while I was wrist deep in cow meat! Try explaining to a crying 2 year old that "Mummy cant pick you up right now because her hands are covered in stinky cows blood" Needless to say he wasn't very understanding.
Once the meat was done I roasted some, it was still 1/2 raw, even though I cooked it for double the time it said to. And the other 2 kgs are chopped into cubes until tomorrow when i decide what to do with them.
You might be wondering the point of this post...
I guess I felt the need to put it out there my utter disgust at the smell, feel and overall experience of chopping up this fine hunk of meat. Especially since I ended up having nutri grain for dinner since I cant bare even slightly rare meat. And Mr Mr had ravioli (yes my child eats better than I do) So all that effort was for naught.
I think Ill stick to beef stir frys in future, that stuff thats already chopped and ready to throw in the pan!
The secret of the cake
For Kathy who wondered how I made such an amazing cake for Mr Mr's birthday here it is... the ultra cool 3D wilton ducky tin:
I probably could have bought a cool cake for the price I paid for this tin + ingredients and the day it took to make it. But it wouldnt have had the love, and I wouldnt have taken as much joy in loping off its head!
Not Avatar Brieflets ;)
At the suggestion of Timt I have a blog.
Looks like a nice enough blog... spacious... lacking any form of content... but its a blog all the same.
My Blog List
Not a super pic as I just used my phone for it, but you can see my pink hair and my pink middle finger from where I managed to poke a hole in my glove with my nail :)
The Chaser's war on The Secret
Oh and can I ask why the fuck blogger TODAY has a message saying it now auto saves, but YESTERDAY I lost a frigging massive post on the new child restraint laws?!?!?!?! Fuck blogger! I'm actually now really miffed because of that!
From Kath and Mum's comments on the last post I thought I would update on my no shampooing endevour.
Well I still have NOT shampooed my hair. Have lost count how long its been though. And no Mum my hair is not a greasy hideous mess :P
I have discovered the wonders of bicarb soda. I only do it once a week but it seems to do the trick. My hair is actually quite fluffy and soft surprisingly enough.
Oh and my red bits on my hair did go pink and now they are a hideous orange colour. BUT I have ordered some Manic Panic HOT HOT Pink hair dye to fix this problem :P Although I guess that goes againt the whole no shampoo thing, putting dye chemicals in my hair and all. All I can say to that is if henna had pink dye then I might have gone down that route lol
My problem is this...
Not just once, but several times this week there have been posts about work place bullying.
I do understand that this can be traumatic and if the boss is bullying a worker that it can be a very difficult situation to be in. But this last post I read was ridiculous!
The "bully" was your ordinary retail assistant, and the bullied one was a freakin manager!
The bullying was that this employee was swearing at the manager on numerous occasions.
This person was asking if the bullied party should go to a Dr and try to get stress leave while the issue is sorted out.
I am just flabbergasted. Why is this person even in management if they cant deal with an employee swearing at them?!?!?!?!
Just by the sounds of the post this person was just to gutless to pull their employee up on it so they took it to senior management.
Isn't that just like a teacher going to the principle when one of their students acts up?
All the other posts are pretty much as frustrating as the last, "Oh this person doesn't like me what do I do? Is it harassment when someone gives me an evil look as I walk past?"
Fucking twits, that's all I can say.
Oh and don't even get me started on how many people on this forums have started to use the word "incredulous" lately. Must make them soooo smart if they can substitute the word incredible in every post they make.
Tree hugging hippy scum? Or just plain EEEEEEEEWWWWWW?
Well I have been seeing this topic pop up quite a bit around the Internet of late. Or maybe i'm just stumbling into weird places that everyone else has the good sense to avoid.
The idea is that you don't shampoo your hair and by 6-8 weeks your hair will have restored its natural balance and you will have glorious natural chemical free hair. Apparently shampooing strips your hair of its natural oils therefore causing your hair to go a bit hyper in making more. Sounds plausible enough to me.
Me being the chemical-phobe that I am quite likes the idea of not using chemicals. I figure I use very few chemicals around the house so why the hell am I using numerous products in our bathroom that have ingredients with every letter of the alphabet in them on my own skin?
I started by buying some natural soaps which I am quite fond of, including a shampoo bar. But then I got my hair done. Top is dark brown and the under half of my hair was made bright red.
Well the red was washing out horribly every time I washed it so last week I decided to stop just to avoid anymore colour run.
I figure since I'm a stay at home mum I can get away with trying this little experiment out. I mean who am I really going to offend with my greasy as chips locks other than Lil Mr Mr & Mr M?
So this is week one down. The idea is to "water only wash" my hair for as long as I can stand it, BUT if the need arises ONLY use natural/non toxic ingredients to wash my hair with.
And yes my hair is skanky right now, its is currently constantly tied up. BUT not one person has commented so either they are being overly polite or they haven't noticed yet... we will soon see.
Japanese fooled in poodle scam
Sure I might feel a bit sorry for the people who were scammed but hell if you don't know a dog from a sheep when you are buying one you your an idiot!
Man cuts off penis in resteraunt!
Sacked hostess reveals prostitution secrets

I spent 10 mins doing a survey just to make $1.
You know why I did this... because I joined email cash about 4 years ago and you need to have $30 cash to get a cheque sent to you.
You know how much I have made from email cash in the 4 years I've been a member (inc. the $1)
I'm sooooo close now... Only 2 more years and I should be able to get my $30 check from them!
And you know what I really will keep going till I get that $30 dammit coz I really believe I deserve it just for signing up in the first place!
Not enough that they try and lure people off the street now they are luring in teens by staging a "Human right forum" which was more of a ploy to let them know about Scientology.
Makes me sick! It really truly does!

How plastic does she look in the second shot down?!?!
I really hope she wasn't hoping they would look natural to the public eye considering we have all seen her rather famous nocturnal activities video!
PS... yes I'm a bad bad girl for neglecting my blog, but I haven't been getting into the new much this last couple of weeks since Mr Mr wont watch ANYTHING but Thomas the gay engine and Telli-Turds at the moment *insert unimpressed smiley here* hehehe
Did this woman seriously think she would be employable in the airline industry after she came out saying she slept with a customer (wheather they be famous or not) in a toilet cubical while she was working?!?!?!
Maybe she just thought that sleeping with a celeb would give her millions (as opposed to the $120K that she is still yet to receive for her story)
Blech, stupidity is the only word I can think of here.
Just looking at the first article I could find on the site, I have found in the first para solid evidence that this site is probably even more unreliable than good old Wiki.
This para is trying to convince me that abortion will cause breast cancer. Quote...
The vast majority of scientific studies have shown that abortion causes an increase in breast cancer, including 16 out of 17 statistically significant studies. Studies showing that abortion increases breast cancer predate the political controversy.
That line is all good and well, but lets read on to the the second half of the para...
It is undisputed that having a baby protects against breast cancer, and thus early termination of pregnancy must increase the risk of cancer for the mother compared to carrying that same pregnancy to birth. Yet the abortion industry conceals this increased risk, just as the tobacco industry concealed its cancer risk for decades.
Now this is the part of their opening para that has destroyed their credibility for me. Okay maybe I'm looking into the wording too much but please note my highlighting of the word "must". One only needs to do some reading about critical thinking and analysis of arguments to see that this is an argument with no real validity just due to the use of that one word.
When someone is saying something must they generally don't have any concrete evidence to back this up. And reading on they don't present me with any concrete evidence!
Then there is their comparison of the abortion industry being comparable to the tobacco industry in their concealment of this medical "fact" that they are talking about.
Now I'm not about to start any kind of debate on abortion, its a subject I prefer to leave alone, but I have not seen this 'fact' covered up. I have read about the possibility of an increased risk of breast cancer in these cases and have also seen that its not concrete fact, only possible. But its just a great example of how skewed the site is and will be on certain topics.
Oh and just looking at their references for this particular piece I found one entitled "Self-checks 'useless' in breast cancer fight" WTF?!?! I am so not going to start on that one.
I'm just going to stop here or I may never stop poking holes in this site. I seriously hope that the predictions of the site creator are wrong and that this site will not form a valid and standard point of reference for American schools in the future. No offence intended but do American children really need this craziness in their minds?
I know that the rental vacancy is low but the tactics we are seeing in Melbourne are disgusting. I have friends (lovely family with 2 kiddos and one in the oven, have been very good tenants the last 2 and a bit years in the same house) their landlord has kicked them out of their house so that the can renovate and get more money a week.
Yes their house was becoming a bargain at $230 for the 3 bedroom in a popular inner city suburb (well if you ask Mum 20 mins on the train isn't inner city though :D) but they were not even given the option to stay. They were not even offered a rental increase notice to stay in the house. Most likely because the landlord thinks they can get a whole lot more per week if they just paint and rent out again.
I have even seen evidence of this greed around where we live, this is a 90 min drive from Melbourne and a basically rural area mind you... The house 2 doors down was around $150 when we were looking to rent here. Now just to put things in perspective, the house we live in is 3 bedroom, as is this other house. Our kitchen is much nicer, lounge is larger and the house generally looks to be in better condition than the other house. We also have been paying $150. Our rental increase will be $160, that was the original price of this rental when we saw it so that's no shock to us. What IS shocking is that I now see the house 2 doors down asking for $175 a week in rent!
While I know there are interest rate rises and things that the actual home owner has to contend with and that many of them have losses on rental properties, that jump in price for a rural area property is just greedy. I foresee that house being on the rental market for quite some time!
So with the pile of ranting over with, it would seem that Victoria has already had enough of these antics and is going to do something about. Rental war agents face bans if they do not adhere to the new guidelines set out by Real Estate Institute of Victoria stating that:
■That once a tenant has been told their application is successful, no counter-offer can be accepted.
■Not to use a range of prices when advertising.
■To ensure the initial advertised price is realistic.
■To not initiate a bidding process for a rental property.
Maybe by putting these guidelines in place the price of an average 3 bedroom house for rent wont cost the same as a mortgage. And maybe it would mean that my friends could find a house for their growing family without having the price of it go up before they have even seen it.Rant over!
I'm sure Mr M would most appreciate being shaken awake to go to work rather than the usual gentle "Hun its time to get up there is a coffee in the kitchen for you" that he normally receives.
And gee it would make a nice change to wake up to this rather than my gorgeous (albeit mischievous) toddler waving at me and pulling the doona off me.
And if the boom doesnt do it for you maybe Clocky is more your style.
500g bag of salt (I make my own playdoh don't actually use salt in food)
2kgs of SR flour
2kgs of white sugar
1kg of brown sugar
and lots of rice.
You might look at this and think I do a lot of baking... Fact is, while I do cook every day, I need to replace these items due to Mr Mr taking these things out of my cupboards in the morning and playing with them. The other morning for instance I woke up only to step in a giant mound of brown sugar next to my bed. This morning I woke up to find salt all through Mr Mr's hair, all over his table and all over (and inside) his fisher price stride n ride toy.
I guess some people might think it nice to wake up only to have to vacuum as soon as they are out of bed, but I'm not one of them!
Oh well Its just one of the many joys of toddlerdom I guess... joy for him that is :D
Okay as you may have noticed by my post "THE keyboard" I am dreaming of upgrades for my PC. Nothing to do with how it runs, my PC is super the way it is. I just long for some prettier peripherals to make my computing experience all the more pleasant. That and who doesn't love new things with funky lights on them!
So I give you THE case! Just a dream for the moment as my current case is still pretty and is in perfect working order. And I definitely have better ways to spend my money (damn us needing food and such hehehe) so I plan to save my pennies (yes I actually have a jar I'm putting my silver coins into for these upgrades) and pimp out my puter piece by piece. The case will very likely be last due to my more pressing need for a more responsive mouse and less sticky keyboard.
I will welcome any suggestions on things I could waste my money on! And I hope someone is interested to see what item I pick for next week, not as thrilling as ducks and goats but its all I could think of for now :)
Now this pisses me off. Its one thing if they were high school students getting this treatment (they are angsty little bastards anyway) but these are primary school students!
I don't think there are many primary school kids who actually realise the relevance of fees, nor would they simply go home and tell mum and dad to pay them. With this treatment they would go home crying to mum and dad at how they were humiliated in front of the whole class and board from not being allowed to do anything all day long. Its just cruel!
I STILL remember being told by one teacher (I'm pretty sure it was in 1st grade) that if I got nits I would have to have my gorgeous long hair shaved off! Right in front of the whole class! This kind of shit scars little kiddies for life.
From what I understand about the curriculum for becoming a primary school teacher you need to know at least something on childhood and developmental psychology. I have a good friend who is studying towards her dip. ed. in primary teaching and there is tons of psych stuff in there.
Obviously these teachers missed or failed that bit of the course or they wouldn't have done this to small children!
Its just great to know what idiots we have to shape and mould the future of this nation isn't it.
Now as you guessed by the title its a keyboard, your probably thinking booooorrrring. But take a look at this:
My precious
now who wouldn't love to be able to change your keys at the click of a setting? Sure I might not need to write in Russian or Asian alphabets but I could definitely use it for better gaming and easier access to short cuts in photo shop.
I was planning on saving up for new spiffy gaming keyboard (the current one has been given one to many drinks of coffee by little Mr Mr) but I am now seriously thinking of waiting for the Optimus as its so versatile!
I do have good reason though and I thought I should explain before anyone thinks I don't care.
I have neglected blog world for Plutarch, yes that's right, the fall of the Roman republic has become more important than blog world.
So if you do happen to stop by and there is nothing new here its is just because I have an exam in 2 weeks, then one on Australian literature to 1950 the week after. But if I find anything insightful that I feel the world has to know about in my studies Ill be sure to fill everyone in hehehe
In the mean time you can tell me your thoughts on this...
Miss "I ripped off sex and the city" She annoys me thoroughly and yet she has hundreds of people replying to her. Am I the only one who hates this woman?

In my morning trawl of the online news, I came across this....
Little Harry Potter very obviously trying to show the world what a big man he is!
I know that between movies 2 and 3 of the saga there was some talk of Radcliff dropping out of the filming of the Harry Potter movies due to him not wanting to be forever known as the one character, but this is a bit tacky.
His rep has been quoted as saying "Daniel does not want to step away from Harry Potter but he does want to show he is a rounded actor capable of … diverse roles."
Diverse is right! From little boy wonder to on stage porn star. That certainly is diverse. I wonder who on earth gave him permission to do this though. He is still only 17, so I assumed his parents would have to have some say in his choice of role for the time being. Are they actually okay with this??
Also there is the issue of his fan site. There have been a couple of quotes used from their forums, very obviously written by very young girls. For instance "When I saw it I couldn't breathe for a moment. I was shocked. But [the] pictures are very cool and very good. I like it ... They're awesome!" He is corrupting young girls all over the world!!! Introducing sexuality to girls who probably hadn't given it a terribly large amount of thought until they saw "Harry Potter" with a half naked girl standing in front of him. One of the promo pics has a naked girl on top of him from what I gather. Is that what we want little girls to think of when they see the next 3 Harry Potter films??
This email from a concerned parent pretty much sums up how I would feel if I saw my 9 year old looking up Radcliff's new project
"We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our nine-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes,"
I just think its highly inappropriate, considering his position in the lime light at the moment, to jump onto a stage and do numerous sex scenes in a controversial play just to prove his worth as an actor.
Ill be very curious to see what "diverse" acting jobs come out of this move.
Well according to I (its asks for weight, which I'm soooooo not disclosing here!) would only burn a measly 61 calories during 30 minutes of sex. This astounds me to be honest. It also made me think that Dr Oz is implying the average Jo only spends about 10 mins having sex. Which to me is mind boggling! If its under 20 mins its not worth showing up for!
I what i really want to know is how they measured this... Did they include position changes in their calculations? Surely those who bother to pick up a copy of the Karma Sutra would be burning more calories during their routine romps. I noticed only one option for sex in the calorie counter - moderate. What about the lazy people who are having less than "moderate" sex, is it possible to be burning more calories blinking their eyes rather than having sex?
I personally believe more research needs to be done on this topic. As a person trying to loose some excess weight I'm quite disappointed to know that my very active sex life wont do a thing to help me loose it!
Sigh, I guess Ill just go clean the house (30 mins will burn 1443 cals) Not nearly as much fun!

Well I have the answer to that...
In my freezer. 3 kg slab of the stuff straight from the abattoir!
Why do I have this mass of beef? Because Mother in law gifted it to us. Even though we very rarely eat beef.
By no means am I ungrateful for this gift of frozen flesh. In fact I decided to defrost it today as I could use the room in my already overstocked freezer. Little did I know how time consuming defrosting and hacking it would be.
The slab spent from 10am till 4pm defrosting. Then took me 45 mins to hack into manageable bits. I guess it doesn't sound so bad, until I add in the rampaging toddler who just happened to hurt himself 4 times while I was wrist deep in cow meat! Try explaining to a crying 2 year old that "Mummy cant pick you up right now because her hands are covered in stinky cows blood" Needless to say he wasn't very understanding.
Once the meat was done I roasted some, it was still 1/2 raw, even though I cooked it for double the time it said to. And the other 2 kgs are chopped into cubes until tomorrow when i decide what to do with them.
You might be wondering the point of this post...
I guess I felt the need to put it out there my utter disgust at the smell, feel and overall experience of chopping up this fine hunk of meat. Especially since I ended up having nutri grain for dinner since I cant bare even slightly rare meat. And Mr Mr had ravioli (yes my child eats better than I do) So all that effort was for naught.
I think Ill stick to beef stir frys in future, that stuff thats already chopped and ready to throw in the pan!
For Kathy who wondered how I made such an amazing cake for Mr Mr's birthday here it is... the ultra cool 3D wilton ducky tin:
I probably could have bought a cool cake for the price I paid for this tin + ingredients and the day it took to make it. But it wouldnt have had the love, and I wouldnt have taken as much joy in loping off its head!
Looks like a nice enough blog... spacious... lacking any form of content... but its a blog all the same.
- Book reviews (2)
- New moon (1)
- Twilight (2)
- Vampires (2)
My pink hair!
Not a super pic as I just used my phone for it, but you can see my pink hair and my pink middle finger from where I managed to poke a hole in my glove with my nail :)
12:20 pm | | 6 Comments
The secret.... Chaser's Style
This is too funny....
The Chaser's war on The Secret
Oh and can I ask why the fuck blogger TODAY has a message saying it now auto saves, but YESTERDAY I lost a frigging massive post on the new child restraint laws?!?!?!?! Fuck blogger! I'm actually now really miffed because of that!
10:19 am | | 9 Comments
The no "poo" update
Yes I have been slack with my postings yet again. But I did move house so I have a valid excuse!
From Kath and Mum's comments on the last post I thought I would update on my no shampooing endevour.
Well I still have NOT shampooed my hair. Have lost count how long its been though. And no Mum my hair is not a greasy hideous mess :P
I have discovered the wonders of bicarb soda. I only do it once a week but it seems to do the trick. My hair is actually quite fluffy and soft surprisingly enough.
Oh and my red bits on my hair did go pink and now they are a hideous orange colour. BUT I have ordered some Manic Panic HOT HOT Pink hair dye to fix this problem :P Although I guess that goes againt the whole no shampoo thing, putting dye chemicals in my hair and all. All I can say to that is if henna had pink dye then I might have gone down that route lol
5:18 pm | | 7 Comments
When did we stop standing up for ourselves?
There is this parenting forum I go to. I generally just stick around the "What do you think" section now since I'm now not such a freaked out new mum.
My problem is this...
Not just once, but several times this week there have been posts about work place bullying.
I do understand that this can be traumatic and if the boss is bullying a worker that it can be a very difficult situation to be in. But this last post I read was ridiculous!
The "bully" was your ordinary retail assistant, and the bullied one was a freakin manager!
The bullying was that this employee was swearing at the manager on numerous occasions.
This person was asking if the bullied party should go to a Dr and try to get stress leave while the issue is sorted out.
I am just flabbergasted. Why is this person even in management if they cant deal with an employee swearing at them?!?!?!?!
Just by the sounds of the post this person was just to gutless to pull their employee up on it so they took it to senior management.
Isn't that just like a teacher going to the principle when one of their students acts up?
All the other posts are pretty much as frustrating as the last, "Oh this person doesn't like me what do I do? Is it harassment when someone gives me an evil look as I walk past?"
Fucking twits, that's all I can say.
Oh and don't even get me started on how many people on this forums have started to use the word "incredulous" lately. Must make them soooo smart if they can substitute the word incredible in every post they make.
10:14 am | | 4 Comments
The "No poo" (shampoo that is) phenomenon
Whats your first thought when you think of someone who doesn't shampoo their hair?
Tree hugging hippy scum? Or just plain EEEEEEEEWWWWWW?
Well I have been seeing this topic pop up quite a bit around the Internet of late. Or maybe i'm just stumbling into weird places that everyone else has the good sense to avoid.
The idea is that you don't shampoo your hair and by 6-8 weeks your hair will have restored its natural balance and you will have glorious natural chemical free hair. Apparently shampooing strips your hair of its natural oils therefore causing your hair to go a bit hyper in making more. Sounds plausible enough to me.
Me being the chemical-phobe that I am quite likes the idea of not using chemicals. I figure I use very few chemicals around the house so why the hell am I using numerous products in our bathroom that have ingredients with every letter of the alphabet in them on my own skin?
I started by buying some natural soaps which I am quite fond of, including a shampoo bar. But then I got my hair done. Top is dark brown and the under half of my hair was made bright red.
Well the red was washing out horribly every time I washed it so last week I decided to stop just to avoid anymore colour run.
I figure since I'm a stay at home mum I can get away with trying this little experiment out. I mean who am I really going to offend with my greasy as chips locks other than Lil Mr Mr & Mr M?
So this is week one down. The idea is to "water only wash" my hair for as long as I can stand it, BUT if the need arises ONLY use natural/non toxic ingredients to wash my hair with.
And yes my hair is skanky right now, its is currently constantly tied up. BUT not one person has commented so either they are being overly polite or they haven't noticed yet... we will soon see.
8:53 pm | | 37 Comments
My poodle says "baaaahhhhhh"
This is a crack up!!!!
Japanese fooled in poodle scam
Sure I might feel a bit sorry for the people who were scammed but hell if you don't know a dog from a sheep when you are buying one you your an idiot!
10:34 pm | | 5 Comments
I don't need this bit... CHOP!
What on earth causes a man to chop off his own penis in public?
Man cuts off penis in resteraunt!
9:05 am | | 3 Comments
Hold on a minute.....
Didn't the naughty Ralph Feinnes bonking flight attendant say she WASN'T a prostitute in the last article they had in the age?
Sacked hostess reveals prostitution secrets
10:05 am | | 8 Comments
Destruction of my lounge room....

4:04 pm | | 8 Comments
How thrilling, I just made $1 on email cash.
I spent 10 mins doing a survey just to make $1.
You know why I did this... because I joined email cash about 4 years ago and you need to have $30 cash to get a cheque sent to you.
You know how much I have made from email cash in the 4 years I've been a member (inc. the $1)
I'm sooooo close now... Only 2 more years and I should be able to get my $30 check from them!
And you know what I really will keep going till I get that $30 dammit coz I really believe I deserve it just for signing up in the first place!
5:49 pm | | 4 Comments
Luring in the innocent
Fucking Scientologists! Need I say more?
Not enough that they try and lure people off the street now they are luring in teens by staging a "Human right forum" which was more of a ploy to let them know about Scientology.
Makes me sick! It really truly does!
9:56 am | | 10 Comments
Ohhhh shock horror...
8:06 am | | 4 Comments
Is all I can say when I see the recent pics of Paris Hilton on X17online (which means I now have to publicly admit I do look at this trashy site from time to time *insert embarrassed smiley here*)
How plastic does she look in the second shot down?!?!
I really hope she wasn't hoping they would look natural to the public eye considering we have all seen her rather famous nocturnal activities video!
PS... yes I'm a bad bad girl for neglecting my blog, but I haven't been getting into the new much this last couple of weeks since Mr Mr wont watch ANYTHING but Thomas the gay engine and Telli-Turds at the moment *insert unimpressed smiley here* hehehe
4:38 pm | | 5 Comments
Stupidity by the bucket load
Did this woman seriously think she would be employable in the airline industry after she came out saying she slept with a customer (wheather they be famous or not) in a toilet cubical while she was working?!?!?!
Maybe she just thought that sleeping with a celeb would give her millions (as opposed to the $120K that she is still yet to receive for her story)
Blech, stupidity is the only word I can think of here.
3:51 pm | | 4 Comments
9:13 pm | | 8 Comments
I'm not terribly trusting of everything in Wikipedia, due to the fact that the site is open to be edited freely. But this certainly isn't the alternative I would have thought to look for if I had not read about it in the The Age this morning:
Just looking at the first article I could find on the site, I have found in the first para solid evidence that this site is probably even more unreliable than good old Wiki.
This para is trying to convince me that abortion will cause breast cancer. Quote...
The vast majority of scientific studies have shown that abortion causes an increase in breast cancer, including 16 out of 17 statistically significant studies. Studies showing that abortion increases breast cancer predate the political controversy.
That line is all good and well, but lets read on to the the second half of the para...
It is undisputed that having a baby protects against breast cancer, and thus early termination of pregnancy must increase the risk of cancer for the mother compared to carrying that same pregnancy to birth. Yet the abortion industry conceals this increased risk, just as the tobacco industry concealed its cancer risk for decades.
Now this is the part of their opening para that has destroyed their credibility for me. Okay maybe I'm looking into the wording too much but please note my highlighting of the word "must". One only needs to do some reading about critical thinking and analysis of arguments to see that this is an argument with no real validity just due to the use of that one word.
When someone is saying something must they generally don't have any concrete evidence to back this up. And reading on they don't present me with any concrete evidence!
Then there is their comparison of the abortion industry being comparable to the tobacco industry in their concealment of this medical "fact" that they are talking about.
Now I'm not about to start any kind of debate on abortion, its a subject I prefer to leave alone, but I have not seen this 'fact' covered up. I have read about the possibility of an increased risk of breast cancer in these cases and have also seen that its not concrete fact, only possible. But its just a great example of how skewed the site is and will be on certain topics.
Oh and just looking at their references for this particular piece I found one entitled "Self-checks 'useless' in breast cancer fight" WTF?!?! I am so not going to start on that one.
I'm just going to stop here or I may never stop poking holes in this site. I seriously hope that the predictions of the site creator are wrong and that this site will not form a valid and standard point of reference for American schools in the future. No offence intended but do American children really need this craziness in their minds?
8:29 am | | 13 Comments
Rental rebellion
As many Aussies would know the rental market in some areas is astounding at the moment. Rental bidding wars, some official some not official. People going in to sign their new lease papers only to find out another renter has been given the property even after said tenant was approved for the property.
I know that the rental vacancy is low but the tactics we are seeing in Melbourne are disgusting. I have friends (lovely family with 2 kiddos and one in the oven, have been very good tenants the last 2 and a bit years in the same house) their landlord has kicked them out of their house so that the can renovate and get more money a week.
Yes their house was becoming a bargain at $230 for the 3 bedroom in a popular inner city suburb (well if you ask Mum 20 mins on the train isn't inner city though :D) but they were not even given the option to stay. They were not even offered a rental increase notice to stay in the house. Most likely because the landlord thinks they can get a whole lot more per week if they just paint and rent out again.
I have even seen evidence of this greed around where we live, this is a 90 min drive from Melbourne and a basically rural area mind you... The house 2 doors down was around $150 when we were looking to rent here. Now just to put things in perspective, the house we live in is 3 bedroom, as is this other house. Our kitchen is much nicer, lounge is larger and the house generally looks to be in better condition than the other house. We also have been paying $150. Our rental increase will be $160, that was the original price of this rental when we saw it so that's no shock to us. What IS shocking is that I now see the house 2 doors down asking for $175 a week in rent!
While I know there are interest rate rises and things that the actual home owner has to contend with and that many of them have losses on rental properties, that jump in price for a rural area property is just greedy. I foresee that house being on the rental market for quite some time!
So with the pile of ranting over with, it would seem that Victoria has already had enough of these antics and is going to do something about. Rental war agents face bans if they do not adhere to the new guidelines set out by Real Estate Institute of Victoria stating that:
■That once a tenant has been told their application is successful, no counter-offer can be accepted.
■Not to use a range of prices when advertising.
■To ensure the initial advertised price is realistic.
■To not initiate a bidding process for a rental property.
Maybe by putting these guidelines in place the price of an average 3 bedroom house for rent wont cost the same as a mortgage. And maybe it would mean that my friends could find a house for their growing family without having the price of it go up before they have even seen it.Rant over!
8:39 am | | 10 Comments
The love boom
Now who wouldn't want this for valentines day?
I'm sure Mr M would most appreciate being shaken awake to go to work rather than the usual gentle "Hun its time to get up there is a coffee in the kitchen for you" that he normally receives.
And gee it would make a nice change to wake up to this rather than my gorgeous (albeit mischievous) toddler waving at me and pulling the doona off me.
And if the boom doesnt do it for you maybe Clocky is more your style.
9:48 pm | | 5 Comments
Toddler joy
The top of my shopping list this week goes something like this....
500g bag of salt (I make my own playdoh don't actually use salt in food)
2kgs of SR flour
2kgs of white sugar
1kg of brown sugar
and lots of rice.
You might look at this and think I do a lot of baking... Fact is, while I do cook every day, I need to replace these items due to Mr Mr taking these things out of my cupboards in the morning and playing with them. The other morning for instance I woke up only to step in a giant mound of brown sugar next to my bed. This morning I woke up to find salt all through Mr Mr's hair, all over his table and all over (and inside) his fisher price stride n ride toy.
I guess some people might think it nice to wake up only to have to vacuum as soon as they are out of bed, but I'm not one of them!
Oh well Its just one of the many joys of toddlerdom I guess... joy for him that is :D
9:30 am | | 9 Comments
Pimp my puter Wednesday
Well Mum has "Duck Friday" inspired by "Goat Friday" I believe, so I'm bringing you "Pimp my puter Wednesday"
Okay as you may have noticed by my post "THE keyboard" I am dreaming of upgrades for my PC. Nothing to do with how it runs, my PC is super the way it is. I just long for some prettier peripherals to make my computing experience all the more pleasant. That and who doesn't love new things with funky lights on them!
So I give you THE case! Just a dream for the moment as my current case is still pretty and is in perfect working order. And I definitely have better ways to spend my money (damn us needing food and such hehehe) so I plan to save my pennies (yes I actually have a jar I'm putting my silver coins into for these upgrades) and pimp out my puter piece by piece. The case will very likely be last due to my more pressing need for a more responsive mouse and less sticky keyboard.
I will welcome any suggestions on things I could waste my money on! And I hope someone is interested to see what item I pick for next week, not as thrilling as ducks and goats but its all I could think of for now :)
9:49 am | | 12 Comments
The lessons of shame
Children shamed on unpaid school fees
Now this pisses me off. Its one thing if they were high school students getting this treatment (they are angsty little bastards anyway) but these are primary school students!
I don't think there are many primary school kids who actually realise the relevance of fees, nor would they simply go home and tell mum and dad to pay them. With this treatment they would go home crying to mum and dad at how they were humiliated in front of the whole class and board from not being allowed to do anything all day long. Its just cruel!
I STILL remember being told by one teacher (I'm pretty sure it was in 1st grade) that if I got nits I would have to have my gorgeous long hair shaved off! Right in front of the whole class! This kind of shit scars little kiddies for life.
From what I understand about the curriculum for becoming a primary school teacher you need to know at least something on childhood and developmental psychology. I have a good friend who is studying towards her dip. ed. in primary teaching and there is tons of psych stuff in there.
Obviously these teachers missed or failed that bit of the course or they wouldn't have done this to small children!
Its just great to know what idiots we have to shape and mould the future of this nation isn't it.
8:16 am | | 16 Comments
THE keyboard
In my many adventures of "window shopping" over the web I have come across the ultimate peripheral device for the PC...
Now as you guessed by the title its a keyboard, your probably thinking booooorrrring. But take a look at this:
My precious
now who wouldn't love to be able to change your keys at the click of a setting? Sure I might not need to write in Russian or Asian alphabets but I could definitely use it for better gaming and easier access to short cuts in photo shop.
I was planning on saving up for new spiffy gaming keyboard (the current one has been given one to many drinks of coffee by little Mr Mr) but I am now seriously thinking of waiting for the Optimus as its so versatile!
11:10 am | | 12 Comments
My poor neglected blog
As quickly as my blog started I have already ignored it for 3 days...
I do have good reason though and I thought I should explain before anyone thinks I don't care.
I have neglected blog world for Plutarch, yes that's right, the fall of the Roman republic has become more important than blog world.
So if you do happen to stop by and there is nothing new here its is just because I have an exam in 2 weeks, then one on Australian literature to 1950 the week after. But if I find anything insightful that I feel the world has to know about in my studies Ill be sure to fill everyone in hehehe
In the mean time you can tell me your thoughts on this...
Miss "I ripped off sex and the city" She annoys me thoroughly and yet she has hundreds of people replying to her. Am I the only one who hates this woman?
8:42 am | | 4 Comments
Proving his "diversity"
In my morning trawl of the online news, I came across this....
Little Harry Potter very obviously trying to show the world what a big man he is!
I know that between movies 2 and 3 of the saga there was some talk of Radcliff dropping out of the filming of the Harry Potter movies due to him not wanting to be forever known as the one character, but this is a bit tacky.
His rep has been quoted as saying "Daniel does not want to step away from Harry Potter but he does want to show he is a rounded actor capable of … diverse roles."
Diverse is right! From little boy wonder to on stage porn star. That certainly is diverse. I wonder who on earth gave him permission to do this though. He is still only 17, so I assumed his parents would have to have some say in his choice of role for the time being. Are they actually okay with this??
Also there is the issue of his fan site. There have been a couple of quotes used from their forums, very obviously written by very young girls. For instance "When I saw it I couldn't breathe for a moment. I was shocked. But [the] pictures are very cool and very good. I like it ... They're awesome!" He is corrupting young girls all over the world!!! Introducing sexuality to girls who probably hadn't given it a terribly large amount of thought until they saw "Harry Potter" with a half naked girl standing in front of him. One of the promo pics has a naked girl on top of him from what I gather. Is that what we want little girls to think of when they see the next 3 Harry Potter films??
This email from a concerned parent pretty much sums up how I would feel if I saw my 9 year old looking up Radcliff's new project
"We as parents feel Daniel should not appear nude. Our nine-year-old son looks up to him as a role model. We are very disappointed and will avoid the future movies he makes,"
I just think its highly inappropriate, considering his position in the lime light at the moment, to jump onto a stage and do numerous sex scenes in a controversial play just to prove his worth as an actor.
Ill be very curious to see what "diverse" acting jobs come out of this move.
7:36 am | | 10 Comments
I think they're just doing it wrong...
According the Dr Oz (on the Oprah show) we only burn about 25 calories during sex. He only touched on this very briefly but quite frankly I was shocked. I just wondered where the heck he could get such a small figure from.
Well according to I (its asks for weight, which I'm soooooo not disclosing here!) would only burn a measly 61 calories during 30 minutes of sex. This astounds me to be honest. It also made me think that Dr Oz is implying the average Jo only spends about 10 mins having sex. Which to me is mind boggling! If its under 20 mins its not worth showing up for!
I what i really want to know is how they measured this... Did they include position changes in their calculations? Surely those who bother to pick up a copy of the Karma Sutra would be burning more calories during their routine romps. I noticed only one option for sex in the calorie counter - moderate. What about the lazy people who are having less than "moderate" sex, is it possible to be burning more calories blinking their eyes rather than having sex?
I personally believe more research needs to be done on this topic. As a person trying to loose some excess weight I'm quite disappointed to know that my very active sex life wont do a thing to help me loose it!
Sigh, I guess Ill just go clean the house (30 mins will burn 1443 cals) Not nearly as much fun!
10:47 pm | | 11 Comments
Where's the beef?
Well I have the answer to that...
In my freezer. 3 kg slab of the stuff straight from the abattoir!
Why do I have this mass of beef? Because Mother in law gifted it to us. Even though we very rarely eat beef.
By no means am I ungrateful for this gift of frozen flesh. In fact I decided to defrost it today as I could use the room in my already overstocked freezer. Little did I know how time consuming defrosting and hacking it would be.
The slab spent from 10am till 4pm defrosting. Then took me 45 mins to hack into manageable bits. I guess it doesn't sound so bad, until I add in the rampaging toddler who just happened to hurt himself 4 times while I was wrist deep in cow meat! Try explaining to a crying 2 year old that "Mummy cant pick you up right now because her hands are covered in stinky cows blood" Needless to say he wasn't very understanding.
Once the meat was done I roasted some, it was still 1/2 raw, even though I cooked it for double the time it said to. And the other 2 kgs are chopped into cubes until tomorrow when i decide what to do with them.
You might be wondering the point of this post...
I guess I felt the need to put it out there my utter disgust at the smell, feel and overall experience of chopping up this fine hunk of meat. Especially since I ended up having nutri grain for dinner since I cant bare even slightly rare meat. And Mr Mr had ravioli (yes my child eats better than I do) So all that effort was for naught.
I think Ill stick to beef stir frys in future, that stuff thats already chopped and ready to throw in the pan!
10:19 pm | | 1 Comments
The secret of the cake
For Kathy who wondered how I made such an amazing cake for Mr Mr's birthday here it is... the ultra cool 3D wilton ducky tin:
I probably could have bought a cool cake for the price I paid for this tin + ingredients and the day it took to make it. But it wouldnt have had the love, and I wouldnt have taken as much joy in loping off its head!
10:28 pm | | 7 Comments
Not Avatar Brieflets ;)
At the suggestion of Timt I have a blog.
Looks like a nice enough blog... spacious... lacking any form of content... but its a blog all the same.
8:08 pm | | 9 Comments